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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

14) All Young, Dumb and Living off mum

All these young ones think they can't help the fake they are young! I say bollocks to that! If you had of been born earlier there would be no problem! You can't blame your birth date on your parents in the slightest!

and when it comes to be dumb why don't you just go into school once a year you then all wouldn't be a thick as 2 breeze blocks! Back in my day we used to go in at least once if not twice a year.

You lot need to get your self a job! In my day as soon as you dropped out of your mothers crevasse we would get to work down the coal mine! About time you lot do too! Don't give me that shit you're only 5 son you don't shit your self as much as me , so you need a get a job!